Okavango Delta

The Okavango Delta standout amongst the most looked for after wilderness destinations on the earth. The Okavango Delta is arranged profound inside the Kalahari Basin, and is regularly alluded to as the ‘gem’ of the Kalahari.

An adventure to the Okavango Delta – profound into Africa’s immaculate inside – resembles no other. Moving from wetland to dry land – navigating the winding palm and papyrus bordered conduits, passing palm-bordered islands, and thick forest, dazzling with lavish vegetation, and wealthy in untamed life – uncovers the numerous aspects of this exceptional biological system, the biggest flawless inland delta on the planet.

The Delta offers access to the display of wild Africa, for example, dreams are made of – the heart-ceasing energy of major game review, the incomparable peacefulness and tranquility of an immaculate delta, and suggestive scenes of unprecedented normal excellence.

Formed like a fan, the Delta is nourished by the Okavango River, the third biggest in southern Africa Probably the most valuable wetland on the planet, The Okavango is a stream delta that bolsters into dry land rather than the ocean. It is the just a single of its sort

Fantastic wildlife perspectives can be appreciated over the stream, of Elephant, Lion, Leopard, and Buffalo groups. By and large it is conceivable to do this from the sun deck of your riverside hold up. During the evening, the air is bursting at the seams with the sound of a huge number of Frogs – a great discord, a superb orchestra to calm the voyager to rest. Out yonder the thunder of Lion or anxious snicker of Hyena penetrate the faculties and the spirit. Okavango Delta represents Africa at her untamed best.

Best time to visit

  • Okavango Delta is for tourists throughout the year. A visit to the Okavango Delta is rewarding irrespective the time of visit.
  • The best time for wildlife viewing is during is from July to October.
  • However, if possible avoid the wet months, January to March, as some areas become in accessible.

How to get

Okavango Delta is accessible by both airways and roadways.

  • The easiest way to reach Okavango Delta is by charter flight from Maun Airport.
  • You can also drive from Maun Airport to reach the eastern side of the delta.
  • You can also reach Okavango Delta from Chobe National Park which is around 600 km from Okavango and takes about seven hours drive time to reach.

Things To Do

Okavango Delta offers a wide variety of activities which you can do at the concession such as:

  • Game Drives
  • Night Game Drives
  • Walking Safari
  • Mokoro safari
  • Boat Safari
  • Horseback Safari
  • Camping
  • Fishing
  • Bird Watching

What to See

  • The flooding of the seasonal floodplains of the Okavango, undoubtedly the main highlight of the delta. This unique event occurs in very few other places on the planet.
  • Apart from this exclusive event, the delta is known for its pristine landscape
  • One of the finest game viewing experiences in Africa with one of the large concentration of game in the world.

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