Fish River Canyon

Fish River Canyon Tours & Excursions:

The Fish River Canyon is a breathtaking natural attraction that may be seen in the southern part of Namibia in Africa. It is one of the largest canyons in the world and a famous tourist attraction due to its one-of-a-kind geological structures and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Fish River Canyon

The Fish River Canyon may be up to 27 kilometers broad, up to 550 meters deep, and up to 160 kilometers long. The normally dormant Fish River was responsible for carving out the canyon over a period of millions of years, resulting in the creation of the spectacular panorama that tourists may today enjoy.

Attractions at Fish River Canyon

Visitors to the Fish River Canyon have the option of taking a drive around the rim of the canyon, during which they may pull over at a number of different viewpoint sites to take in the scenery. The Hobas Camp is where tourists may stroll to the brink of the canyon and stare down into the abyss, so it’s no surprise that this is the most popular vantage point. Another well-liked destination, the Hot Springs provide guests with the opportunity to relax in naturally heated pools while taking in the stunning vistas that surround them.

Best time to visit

The months of May through September, which are the driest months of the year, are the greatest time to explore Fish River Canyon. The weather is pleasant at this time of year, and the sky is usually cloudless, making it an ideal time to go sightseeing in the canyon. Flooding of the Fish River is possible during the wet season, which runs from November to April and makes it more difficult to enter the canyon.


How to get there

It is not too difficult to get to Fish River Canyon because of its proximity to Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia, which is just a few hours away by car. Visitors have the option of flying into the adjacent town of Keetmanshoop and renting a vehicle from there, or they may join a tour or hire a car in Windhoek itself. When guests arrive in the canyon, they have the option of staying at one of the local lodges or campgrounds, which provide not only nice accommodations but also breathtaking vistas of the canyon.


In conclusion, the Fish River Canyon is a natural beauty that absolutely cannot be missed by any visitor to Namibia. It is an opportunity that comes along once in a lifetime and should not be passed up because of its jaw-dropping vistas and one-of-a-kind geological structures. Visitors are able to appreciate this natural beauty in comfort and elegance due to the ease with which they may approach it and the pleasant hotel alternatives that are available.


  1. What is Fish River Canyon?

A: It is a large canyon in Namibia, southern Africa, formed by the Fish River.

  1. When is the best time to visit Fish River Canyon?

A: The best time to visit Fish River Canyon is from May to September, as temperatures are cooler and water is available in the river.

  1. Is it possible to hike the Canyon?

A: Yes, it is possible to hike the Canyon. However, it is a demanding hike and requires a permit, which can only be obtained in advance.

  1. How long is the this Canyon’s hike?

A: Its hike is approximately 85 km long and takes 5 to 7 days to complete.

  1. Are there facilities available at the Canyon?

A: There are less facilities available at the Canyon, including a campsite, picnic area, and restroom.

  1. Is it safe to hike the Canyon alone?

A: No, it is not advisable to hike alone. Hikers should go in groups for safety reasons.

