regions of namibia

Namib, also known as Portuguese Namibe. It is the coastal desert in the region of the Southern part of Africa Regions of Namibia.

It passes through South Africa, Namibia, and Angola parts for more than 1200 mi (2000 km) away. It passes from the river name Olifants River that is there in the Western Cape of South Africa and passes through the Carunjamba River in Angola.

Who are the People of Namib

It is to be said that the people of Namib came from the San that gathered the plants from the coast, also they were involved in the hunt for the tsamma melon present in the interior, and later on, they drank the juice of regions of Namibia.

It is heard that the Kaokoveld some kind of Herero still there to herd their cattle in the region of the Namib. There is also a saying about the Nama Khoikhoi is still graze their cattle on the Kuiseb River in the back of the river. But a sad truth is that most of the people moved from the desert and left it uninhabited.

In the Southern half of the desert, the steppes are often made up of different ranches that are run by people belonging to the European regions of Namibia.

They raise their sheep which are Karakul sheep with the help of locals. The pelts come from the sheep, which is used to make fur coats sent to Europe.

Most of the region of the desert is called the Sperrgebeit, and it is also a restricted area due to the presence of diamonds. These diamonds are usually mined from the area of the present above the mouth of the river named “Orange River”. Although the desert is highly accessible and the population is very low regions of Namibia.

There are different kinds of settlements present in the region. Mocamedes present in Angola and Swakopmund in Namibia, also bordering the desert are included in one of those great settlements.


The climate part of Namib is mainly the main reason why the environment is dry there. The dry climate reflects the complete dehydration of the bodies of the surface and habitat present there. All of the areas of the coast contain the interaction of the water, especially the interaction of the air that is coming from the sea via the Southerly part of the wind regions of Namibia.

Due to the presence of dry air, the desert, and the strongest coastal part of the desert, there are high chances of fog in the area, and most of the time a problem for the sailor and they lose their way.

Talking about the species of the Namib, they are most of them that are endemic and also highly adapted to the climate of the region of the land.

The Bizzare, which is also called the Welwitschia mirabilis, is included in one of the most well-known species of the Namib.

It is the kind of plant that has long strap-shaped leaves and is shaped like a shrub. It can survive in those worst conditions of Namib where most of the fellow species can’t survive regions of Namibia.

It is also said that one of the Namibian German artists named Max Siedentopf created a kind of an installation in the area of the Namib that is considered a ring of large blocks that are white, in which there are the mp3 players attached to the solar power configured it is continuously played the song ” Africa ” in the year of 1982 by one of the most famous brands of America and their name is Toto. However, in research, it is never specified about the exact location of the installation in the regions of Namibia.

In most of the studies, it is written that the region of Namib is almost completely uninhabited by humans except for the indigenous minor groups and small groups of settlements.

These people are named Obatjimba and Ovahimba Herero they are usually present in the Northern region of the land and the Topnaar Nama is present in the Central region of the desert. On the other hand, Namib is the homeland of most of the Endemic species in regions of Namibia.


Namib Naukluft National Park is one of the largest parks in the region of Namib where there is support for the life of major species like mountain Zebras, African Bush Elephants, and also other kinds of mammals. There are some of the most special kinds of species that can serve in the homeland of the regions of Namibia.

It is one of the most interesting realities of the region of Namib that the species and humans that survived in the region are included in one of the rarest creatures in the world as they survive in one of the driest lands of the world. The vast region of the Namib-Wüste is a cold coastal desert present in the region of Southern Africa. The Namib word is derived from the word “Nama,” which means “there is nothing.”

Importance of region

The land of the Namib is arid and is considered mostly uninhabited.  Small groups of people survive there because of the importance of the presence of the trade route that crosses the land and the presence of the mineral deposits, there is an area for fisheries bordering the sea and the increase the recreational purpose of the increment in the utilization of regions of Namibia.


How do people survive there?

Just like the species of the desert, like plants and lions. The natives of the region the Himba and Herero people survive in a challenging situation in regions of Namibia.

They used to survive on 100,000-odd once they used to live years ago, but now they have upgraded their lifestyle and moved to the breeding of cattle drinking their milk, and, eating their meat. They also depend on the horticultural lifestyle. In short living there is such a challenging task for them in regions of Namibia.

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