Here’s how BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa!


BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa Big Five are among the most heard creatures, especially if you have gone on an African safari Rhinoceroses, African buffalo, elephants, lions, and leopards are well-known wildlife and the Big Five. The term “Big Five” originated in the late 1800s during the African colonial period. At this time, these animals were considered the most difficult and challenging to hunt BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

They are usually found in the southern and Eastern parts of Africa. They are not named Big 5 due to their size or weight, but the real reason is their tough time, which they give to their hunter, which makes them big five hunts.

Their difficulty in hunting can also be explained in the way that those who can hunt them are rewarded with big trophies and prizes. Their hunt is still very common, which raises the issue that they will become the rarest species, but thankfully, the program and awareness protection for these species are spreading day by day BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

WHEN AND WHERE TO FOUND THE BIG 5 (BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa)

Big Five animals were usually at the best African safari in which Kruger National Park is located in South Africa and is also the largest reserve for the 147 mammal species of the world, Tanzania- Serengeti and Ngoro Ngoro Crater There are the grass plains where these mammals where located. Visit between July and September led you to witness the pride of lions and African elephants BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

Namibia -Etosha National Park and Waterberg Plateau Park where you can find out all the big 5.Botswana Safari Tours. From July to October all across Africa, you can visit this region to find out the best vision for the Big 5.

July and October were considered ideal due to the reason that there was a lack of rain, so small ponds and streams were dry and animals had to stay near the large rivers for the buffalo and elephants you can find them near Botswana and Namibia. The grass there was also dried in winter, so you can easily sort them with small grassland and the voice of dry leaves.


Here’s how BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa!, Safari World Tours


The Ngroro Ngoro Crater

Es ist der Ort, an dem Sie die klassische Erfahrung der Beobachtung von Big 5 in der einzigartigen Umgebung der Caldera des alten Vulkans genießen können. Sie sind mit einer Vielzahl von Lebensräumen für die über 30.000 Tiere gefüllt. Das Erlebnis dort wird in der Tat das unvergesslichste und beste Erlebnis im Leben eines Besuchers sein.

Madikwe Private Game Reserve

Der beste Ort, um die Big Five zu sehen, ist der Safari ist, wo dieser Ort durch die hochgradig afrikanischen Wildhunde bedroht ist. Das Beste daran ist, dass es die Malaria-Safari-Region ist, die Sie ohne jede Spannung besuchen können.

Sabi Sand Wildreservat

it is the region of the Reserve of 150 plus mammal species, and Big 5 included Big 5. There is a record of having 500 birds and also a whopping of trees consisting of 336 species. Sabi Sand is very well known for the sightings of profiling Leopards. The vegetarian region of the land gives a sufficient amount of food for white rhino, hyena, and nyala BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

The Kruger National Park

Diese Region hat eine höhere Dichte der Big 5 und hunderter anderer Tiere. Wildtiere haben dort ihr Zuhause. Es gibt auch die Anwesenheit von verschiedenen Arten wie Störche, Berge und Bush Ebenen.


1-Africa Lion ( Panthera Leo)

Here’s how BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa!, Safari World Tours

They are big social cats. They are considered to be cats that don’t have a proper social hierarchy. There are the female dominant species where one male can be the king, and it can be changed at any time. Females hold the responsibility of the territories.

It shows in the movie where a character named “Simba ” is “his mother run the territories. Loins are among the largest mammals after mammals from about 10,000 years ago BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

Found at

  • Sambia im South Luangwa National Park.
  • Tansania im Serengeti-Nationalpark.
  • Kenia, die Mara.
  • Sabi Sand Wildreservat
  • Kruger-Nationalpark, Südafrika.

How to capture their perfect photograph

To get the perfect shot, you need to be very patient and attentive while taking a shot. They usually take a rest in the morning and hunt at night. Some reserves offer the night drive. Where you can get a chance to shoot them in the active mode while hunting, and playing.

Cubs are usually observed to be in light mode in the daytime as compared to adults, and they are very cute and amazing to be captured in the zoom mode BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

2-Rhinoceros (Diceros Bicornis and Cerathotherium Simum)

Here’s how BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa!, Safari World Tours

Rhinoceros are one of the most endangered and amazing species of the Big 5. The reason is due to the illegal trade and poaching of the rhino horns. Two types of rhinos are found in the region of Africa one Black and the other white Rhino. The names of these species are not due to their body color. Both of the rhinos are grey to medium brown BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

The color specifies the different facial structures like a square lip and a wider mouth. The word white comes from the Dutch word ” wijd,” which means wider, black Rhino have pointed upper lips and hooked. The total length of the Rhino is 5 feet, and it the 500 pounds in weight.

They have excellent hearing, and their sense of smell is very strong, but their eyesight is very weak. The Rhino horns are very useful as they are made up of keratin, but due to this reason, people hunt them a lot, and their species become rare as time passes. The illegal trade of horns become the biggest issue for African wildlife BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

Found at

  • Tansania im Grumeti-Wildreservat.
  • Sabi Sand in the country of South Africa.
  • Privates Wildreservat Madikwe Phinda.
  • Botswana in Moremi.
  • Kenia im Naturschutzgebiet Lewa Wildlife.

How to capture their perfect photograph

They have a massive, sheer body with a bulk of Rhinos they have the capacity of multiple types of composition options taking any photograph. The angle that is wide in their body gives the whole idea about the context on the other hand the zoom will give you the whole vision of the body that is based on prehistoric ideas BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

Rhino horns are one of the most attractive features, and their body type and presence are so strong that standing alone still they portray a powerful image and give their young and little ones the hope that their horn will grow stronger BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

3-Buffalo( Syncarpous Caffer)

Here’s how BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa!, Safari World Tours

Es sind Kreaturen, die wie Kühe aussehen und normalerweise in Form von Gruppen auftreten, um anzugreifen und sich vor den Jägern zu schützen.

They have horns in both their female and male. For helpful defense, they have the curve in the upward position and a solid bony type structure that is called a boss and very helpful for their defense mechanisms. This part of the buffalo body is three times heavier than the adversary of the loin.

They are found in the region of both South and East Africa. Their nature is very fearless and highly unpredictable. Sometimes, while defending themselves, they can kill loin as well BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

Found at

  • Hwang in dem Land Simbabwe.
  • Botswana im Chobe.
  • Addo in Südafrika.
  • Kenia liegt im Masia Mara National Reserve.

How to capture their perfect photograph

Studying their photograph is very tricky as they have the darkness present in their hide, which is very tricky to watch and observe. Their huge horns and mysterious expressions are the key points to study in their photograph. The textures of the black and white image can be captured beautifully while they are playing with the mud as they love to do that. Oxpeck

ers are the well-known bird. They sit on their ear for some nanoseconds, giving a beautiful attractive image BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

4-Leopard ( Panthera Pardus)

Here’s how BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa!, Safari World Tours

Leopards include the type of big five and have the best and best-looking bodies. If we talk about their body color, then they are color body creatures with dark spots in them that are called rosettes. Another type of leopard also exists their spots are difficult to distinguish, and their body is mostly dark in color. These black leopards were called Black Panthers BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

They are creatures who love to hunt antelope and zebra, and mostly, they like to eat alone. Leopards usually don’t like to live with their fellow big animals like lions because it is to be said that lions will kill leopards if they get a chance BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

They are considered the fastest big cats as their speed can reach 36 mi/58 km per hour. Their population is usually included in healthy species, and mostly, they are shy. They are shy, so you can’t find them roaming everywhere, but when you visit Safari, they’ll show you leopards for sure.

Found at

  • Sambia in der Region des Süd-Luangwa.
  • Kenia in der Mara.
  • Sabi-Sand.

Botswana in der Region des Moremi.

How to capture their perfect photograph

You need to make sure the exposure of your camera is correctly set and your camera is ready for a shot of leopards. You need to set your camera with the spot meter function to get the best possible shot when the Leopard is in the tree under the background of bright sky BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

It helps you to prevent the image of your leopard from being unexposed. The focal point of the image can be their mysterious and eye-catching eyes which enhance the beauty of your photograph BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

5-African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana)

Here’s how BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa!, Safari World Tours

Mit einem Gewicht von etwa 7 Tonnen ist der Afrikanische Elefant Savanna eines der größten Tiere unter den Big 5.

Der Wald-Elefant von Afrika ist etwa einen Meter kleiner und kommt hauptsächlich in der Region des Kongobeckens vor und wird nach einem Gentest als eine andere Art als der Savannenbewohner angesehen.

They have a fragmented range of elephants from the central to the Southern Africa region. there is the presence of the long sought-after poachers BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

Savannenelefanten haben die Besonderheit, dass sie die Artenvielfalt erhöhen, da sie die Unterscheidung der Samen erleichtern und die Bäume in Grasland umwandeln.

Male elephant is considered the bigger one with a weight of 15000 lb and 7000 kg. And the height of 13 ft 4 members. Their larger ear controls their body body temperature. They have a large number of families that are socializing together BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

Found at

  • Namibia im Estosha-Nationalpark.
  • Addo-Elefanten-Nationalpark.
  • Simbabwe im Hwange-Nationalpark.
  • Botswana im Choba-Nationalpark.

How to capture their perfect photograph

The angle of the camera needs to be wide to capture them in a good way, and the natural landscape can also be seen clearly. Zoom enhances the level of photography and focuses on their physical appearance beautifully, which are the key structures of their body parts. Capture beautiful pictures from different angles BIG 5 can be witnessed in Africa.

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