Kurztagestouren in Namibia

It is great to note that Namibia is the location of the sole quadripoint in the whole globe. A quadripoint is when the four corners of four separate nations meet Short day tours in Namibia.

Namibia is located next to the countries of Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe in the extreme northeastern corner of this continent. Because there is only one quadripoint in the whole globe, although there are over 150 tripoints, this particular location on the earth has a highly unique significance.

Unfortunately, it is located in a nation’s section that very few people choose to visit. It is near the eastern end of the Caprivi Strip, and as a result, it is cut off from many of the most popular tourist activities.

On the other hand, the Tropic of Capricorn is a location that is far simpler to visit! Because the Tropic of Capricorn sign is prominent on Google Maps, you won’t have to worry about missing it even if most tourists to Namibia do wind up driving by it throughout the country Short day tours in Namibia.

Etosha Nationalpark Namibia (2- oder 3-tägige Tour)

Kurztagestouren in Namibia , Safari-WeltreisenNot only is traveling through Namibia simple and risk-free, but the country also offers just as much to visitors as other African nations do despite its relatively small size.

Besuchen Etosha-Nationalpark for 2 days, and you can find yourself driving next to elephants, giraffes, lions, or even black rhinos, among other animals. Dune climbing is a fun activity that is available in the desert of Namibia before dawn Short day tours in Namibia.

There are shipwrecks to discover all around the shores and beaches of many countries. Because Namibia has the world’s darkest sky, the Milky Way is visible to the naked eye whenever nighttime. Oh, and there in the desert, you’ll find an abandoned settlement Short day tours in Namibia.

Fleischfresserfütterungstour Namibia (3-4 Stunden Tour)

Kurztagestouren in Namibia , Safari-WeltreisenThere is a chance to observe baboons, caracals, lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, and leopards during the Carnivore Feeding trip that lasts for half a day at the Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary.

These creatures are known as “ambassador animals,” and the term “ambassador animals” refers to the fact that they are unable to be returned to the wild for various reasons.

The knowledgeable tour guides will feed the animals while you are on this trip, and you will get the opportunity to take some breathtaking photographs of these regal creatures Short day tours in Namibia.

This tour lasts for half a day. After that, you will continue on a picturesque drive that will give you a wonderful opportunity to see some of the other animals on the Reserve.

It is a fantastic opportunity to learn about these incredible creatures and see how they act in their natural habitat. Still, it is also a wonderful chance to take photographs of them in an intimate setting Short day tours in Namibia.

Okapuka & Naankuse Pirschfahrten Namibia (3 Stunden Tour)

Okapuka is a private wildlife reserve situated about 15 kilometers to the north of Windhoek. On relatively broad plains, they have a wide variety of wildlife, including, to name just a few examples: impala, eland, giraffe, oryx, warthog, kudu, and white rhinoceros.

This afternoon game trip typically lasts for about an hour and a half. It is a wonderful way to spend the day by getting out of the city, experiencing the African bush, and viewing some of the incredible wildlife that Africa has to offer Short day tours in Namibia.

Kurztagestouren in Namibia , Safari-WeltreisenThe Okapuka Game Ranch is a privately owned game reserve consisting of undulating bushland and open savannahs, and it is situated at the foot of the Otjihavera mountains Short day tours in Namibia.

It is guaranteed to get your fill of wildlife in a hurry since it is home to many mammal and bird species, including a wide variety of animals such as antelopes, zebras, giraffes, and white rhinos.

We leave Windhoek and go to Okapuka, where we board an open vehicle and go on a wildlife drive all around the property. The Otjihavera Mountains are a part of Okapuka, a massive reserve containing springbok and wildebeest herds Short day tours in Namibia.

On the drive through the Reserve, you may also see kudu, oryx, giraffe, giraffe, and white rhinos. After the wildlife drive, guests will have the opportunity to relax at the resort for the remaining 90 minutes before continuing to Windhoek Short day tours in Namibia.

Bushman Cultural Tours (3-4 Stunden Tour)

The Bushmen of Southern Africa are the oldest popular indigenous people in that region. They have lived in harmony with their environment for hundreds of years, subsisting off the earth.

They have a lot to teach us about how to coexist sustainably with the environment, which is lacking in our contemporary way of life. When you go on a trip with the Bushmen, you will get the chance to engage with this unique culture and gain a thorough insight into how the Bushmen have survived in the difficult climate via an awareness of nature Short day tours in Namibia.

Kurztagestouren in Namibia , Safari-WeltreisenThe San people have historically occupied a significant portion of Southern Africa. It includes the areas and deserts in southern Botswana and southern Namibia.

They are often bushmen. Although this is a generic word used to designate indigenous people of Southern Africa. However, the local people in the region that our bushmen tours stop in have created a way of life. It is as distinctive as its name suggests Short day tours in Namibia.

Auch wenn unsere Ausflüge nach Botswana bereits zu den lohnendsten Reisen zählen, die Sie unternehmen können, können Sie sie noch unvergesslicher machen, indem Sie an einer der Buschmann-Aktivitäten teilnehmen, die von Nomad Tours angeboten werden. Bei einem Besuch in einem fremden Land ist es wichtig, sich mit der lokalen Kultur vertraut zu machen.

The San people still live in much the same manner as they did many generations ago. Visitors on several of our overland journeys in Botswana get the chance to engage in conversation. It is with members of a traditional San community. It is not part of the excursion Short day tours in Namibia.

And a decision must be made about whether or not to do it in advance. Others believe it is wrong to treat the villagers as a spectacle. However, doing so provides tourists the opportunity to gain knowledge. And contribute much-needed funds to the preservation of the region and the villagers’ way of life Short day tours in Namibia.

Adrenalin-Abenteuer von Swakopmund (2 oder 3 Tage Tour)

Swakopmund is an adrenalin junkie’s delight. Adventure activities in the air, water, and sand that can be found in Swakopmund will have your heart racing. While traveling across Namibia and having a good time doing it Short day tours in Namibia.

Swakopmund, the “adrenaline capital” of Namibia, is a veritable candy shop of adventure activities. It is that can slake the thirst of even the most hardcore adrenaline addict.

It offers a plethora of fascinating and one-of-a-kind adventure activities. What are the best ways to discover the natural wonder and beauty of a Namibian overland trip? It is while simultaneously satisfying your need for adventure Short day tours in Namibia.

Geparden- und Leoparden-Okonjima-Tour (2-tägige Tour)

Leopards, who belong to the Panthera pardus genus and are the most adaptable of all the wild cats, do particularly well in the Okonjima Nature Reserve, which covers more than 200 square kilometers and has undulating plains, hilly outcrops, and riverine thickets. Learn more about our research on leopards here.

Kurztagestouren in Namibia , Safari-WeltreisenThese cunning, solitary predators are common across the expansive geography of Okonjima Nature Reserve, which has many different terrain features. The predator research program at the Reserve has been going on for the past three decades. Its findings have provided significant insight into the behavioral patterns of leopards. Also, it offers an optimistic prognosis regarding the long-term viability of the species in Africa today.

A stay at Okonjima for two days gives visitors the finest opportunity in all of Namibia to see wild leopards, including those collared for research reasons, in their native surroundings. Programming for research leopards is actively tracked.

Their collars are great for locating and then returning to the Reserve cats. It is which are migrating to surrounding farmland where they are a threat to livestock. In addition, leopards are actively tracked, and their pelts are examined for signs of disease and parasites Short day tours in Namibia.

The Okonjima Nature Reserve is a large protected area set among the rugged commercial farmlands of central Namibia. It comprises a diverse ecosystem that is representative of both the larger and smaller mammals.

It is that are native to Namibia and the majority of the endemic birds that are native to the country. Visitors may get an intimate and close-up view of Namibia’s wildlife. Particularly the country’s most protected species, via activities such as game drives and guided bush walks Short day tours in Namibia.

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