Victoria Falls National Park A complete guide

victoria falls national park

Victoria Falls, also known as Mosi-oa-Tunya, is a World Heritage Site and is considered to be one of the best sightseeing places in the World. It was at the top of our list of things to do in the land of Africa to go to Victoria Falls National Park. This park is the primary draw that pulls millions of visitors to both of these nations each year.

So, in what specific ways should you be ready for your trip to die Victoriafälle? In the following paragraphs, we will go over all of the most crucial facts, such as the cost of entering Victoria Falls National Park and the ideal time of year to visit Victoria Falls.

Victoria Falls National Park  A complete guide, Safari World Tours

Lage des Victoria-Falls-Nationalparks

Der Zambezi River, which creates a natural boundary between Zimbabwe and Zambia in Africa, runs through Victoria Falls Nationalpark, which is situated on the river. Livingstone, which is located in Zambia, and Victoria Falls town, which is located in Zimbabwe, are both good vantage points for viewing the falls of Victoria Falls National Park.

Both Livingstone and Victoria Falls have their international airports serving the respective cities. When departing from Johannesburg in Südafrika, both South African Airways and British Airways provide daily service to their respective destinations for passengers traveling on their respective airlines.

The village of Victoria Falls is about a ten-minute walk away from the park entrance of Victoria Falls National Park. It is in direct proximity to the crafts market, where one may get plenty of artifacts. Be on the lookout for elephants while you explore the broad fields close to the market, and keep your eyes peeled for them Victoria Falls National Park.

It won’t be difficult to move about either Livingstone or Vic Falls. It is because there are plenty of taxis in each of those cities. To go from Zambia to Zimbabwe through the Victoria Falls bridge is not difficult at all. And if you want to get extra views of the falls, it is highly recommended that you take a stroll up to the bridge.


The typical admission cost for visitors on either the Zambian or the Zimbabwean side of Victoria Falls is $30. This price is the same for both countries. Passports issued by SADC countries are eligible for a discount of $20. To be eligible for the price reduction, you will need to check that you have either your passport, your identification card, or your driver’s license.

Beste Reisezeit für die Victoriafälle im Nationalpark

Victoria Falls National Park  A complete guide, Safari World Tours

The dry season lasts from July through December and throughout this time. The waterfalls steadily lose water until they are at their lowest point in October and November. Even though you may not be able to see the falls in all of their majesty at this time. You can still go to Devil’s Pool and enjoy the water rafting. Both of which are closed during the wetter months of the year.

Victoria Falls National Park  A complete guide, Safari World Tours


The wet season runs from January to June and is also one of the greatest seasons to see Victoria Falls. It is since the falls begin to fill up with water during this period.

There is a lot of spray and mist, which may obstruct your view of the waterfalls. And you are certain to be completely drenched in the process. On the contrary, the strength and majesty of this breathtaking piece of nature are palpable. And the experience is remarkable.

Due to the high water levels, I was unable to go rafting or visit Devil’s Pool at this time. The increased risk associated with these activities prevented me from participating. Sail down the Zambezi River at sunset is an experience not to be missed if you find yourself at Victoria Falls during these months Victoria Falls National Park.

Reisehinweise für diejenigen, die die Viktoriafälle im Nationalpark besuchen möchten

Make sure you don’t pass up the chance to take photographs in the most scenic location. As you approach Victoria Falls, continue walking in the direction of the David Livingstone monument, which is located directly in front of you.

Additionally, make sure that your phone and other electrical devices are protected since they will become wet. If you want to snap images with your phone, the best solution is to put it in a waterproof bag. Do not place it in a plastic bag since doing so will cause it to get damaged. Believe me when I say that we experienced it too!

Wenn Sie vorhaben, im Mai zu den Wasserfällen zu fahren. Sie sollten einen Regenschirm oder Regenmantel mitnehmen, da Sie mit Sicherheit nass werden. Andererseits wird es höchstwahrscheinlich nichts nützen. Das Laufen in der Gischt macht eine Menge Spaß, also entspannen Sie sich und genießen Sie das Erlebnis in vollen Zügen.

Finally, we entered the Victoria Falls National Park wearing Allstar Converse shoes. Which proved to be a poor choice due to their slick nature and inability to provide adequate traction.

This was a result of the fog and high tide environment. Which caused both the shoes and the ground to become soaked. Preventing us from performing our duties effectively. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you wear shoes that have a greater level of grip at Victoria Falls National Park.


If you want a personal photographer or are seeking more in-depth knowledge about Victoria Falls National Park. You don’t need a guide since the routes are simple to follow. And you don’t need one to get around. Continue on each of the trails until you reach the finish.

The spray will have created many stunning rainbows along the way. If you wish to be eligible for the discount. You also need to make sure that you have a copy of your passport or other kinds of official identification from Victoria Falls National Park.

This is a wonderful chance to relax and take a break from the pressures and monotony of your life at home. So take advantage of it. When you are organizing your vacation to Victoria Falls National Park. Try not to cram as many things into your schedule as possible. Because of this, you won’t have much time to unwind and enjoy the natural splendor that Victoria Falls has to offer Victoria Falls National Park.


1. Wie viel kostet der Besuch der Viktoriafälle?

A: Es kostet $30 pro Person.

2. Lohnt sich ein Besuch der Victoriafälle?

A: Die natürliche Schönheit, der kulturelle Reichtum und die adrenalingeladenen Aktivitäten der Victoriafälle machen sie zu einem Weltwunder. Die umfassende Erfahrung von Victoria Falls ist es wert, erlebt zu werden.

3. Do I need a passport for Victoria Falls?

A: Obwohl Sie Ihren Reisepass benötigen, hat das Überqueren der Victoria Falls Bridge zwischen Simbabwe und Sambia keinen Einfluss auf Ihren Visumsstatus.

4. Was ist die beste Zeit, um die Viktoriafälle zu besuchen?

A: Von Februar bis Mai, nach den Sommerregen, erreichen die Victoriafälle ihren Höhepunkt.

5. Warum besuchen Touristen den Victoria Falls National Park?

A: Ein erstaunlicher Wildpark. Es hat 400 Vogelarten und 100 Säugetierarten, darunter Leoparden und Wildhunde. Der Chobe-Nationalpark ist in der Nähe. Eine weitere 2-stündige Fahrt von den Wasserfällen.

Über Safari World Tours

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