Statue von David Livingstone & Victoria Falls

On the Zimbabwe border of Victoria Falls, the statue of David Livingstone faces the Devil’s Cataract on the western bank of the falls. This location is on the Zimbabwean side of the falls. An inscription on the statue explains that David Livingstone paid a visit to the waterfalls in the year 1851, at which time he was documenting his initial impression of the beauty of the waterfalls during his first meeting, at which time he named the waterfalls after Queen Victoria.

Statue von David Livingstone & Victoria Falls , Safari-Weltreisen

The first attempt was made in 2001 by Zimbabwe’s liberation war experts, who regarded the artwork as a sore reminder of the British colonial era. The second attempt was made by the Zambian administration in 2004. The government required the statue moved to the other side (Zambia) of the falls during their 150th-anniversary celebrations of David Livingstone’s discovery of the falls. Both attempts to remove the statue were unsuccessful.

David Livingstones Erkundungen und die Geschichte der Victoriafälle

David Livingstone was among the first Europeans to visit Victoria Falls. He was not the first European to enter Zambia, but he was the first to visit the country. In the native language of Kololo, it was known as Mosi-oa-Tunya, which translates to “the smoke that thunders.”

David Livingstone was taken by the natives of the area to a small island that was located right next to Victoria Falls. It was from this vantage point that he had his first look at the waterfall. The name Livingstone Island has been given to this particular island in recent times. Queen Victoria, reigned over Great Britain during the period when David Livingstone called the waterfalls. Inspired by the name given by Livingstone.

The writings of David Livingstone are largely responsible for the resurgence of interest in the region. Which led to the ultimate settlement of missionaries and merchants in Livingstone and Victoria Falls. When considering the history of Livingstone Town, it is impossible to ignore Cecil Rhodes’s vision of a railway line stretching from Cape Town to Cairo.

This goal was realized in 1905 with the construction of the Victoria Falls Bridge. Even though the railroad line was never built to Cairo, it did allow more people access to Victoria Falls. A trip that used to take four months could now be made in only four days by using the train. After the construction of the bridge in Zimbabwe, the Victoria Falls Hotel was supposed to be demolished; but because of the surge in the number of people visiting the region, the hotel had to be extended instead.

Die Stadt Livingstone

The first European colony in the area was established along the Zambezi River approximately 10–12 kilometers upstream of Victoria Falls in a location known as the Old Drift. This occurred before the construction of the Victoria Falls Bridge. Settlers in the territories further to the north of the Zambezi suffered from malaria and fever, and the death rate was exceptionally high. These settlers were typically looking for money and adventure in the lands further to the north of the river. Eleven of the first 31 residents succumbed to malaria or blackwater sickness within the course of one rainy season. If they did not pass away from the sickness, they were often attacked by lions.

Nachdem der Bau der Brücke abgeschlossen war, mussten die Siedler, die im Old Drift lebten, in eine neue Stadt umsiedeln, die etwa 12 Kilometer landeinwärts von Victoria Falls liegt. Dieser neue Weiler hatte weniger Mücken. Die Siedler waren gegen den Standort der vorgeschlagenen Stadt, der so weit von den Wasserfällen entfernt war, weil sie glaubten, dass er zu weit von dem Naturwunder entfernt sei und dass sie dadurch Einnahmen aus Touristen verlieren würden.

20. Jahrhundert

The relocation of the headquarters of the British South African Company to Livingstone. On the other hand, caused the town to begin expanding. As a result, hotels were constructed, and by the year 1910. Livingstone had a post office, a courthouse, two hotels, a government house. Also, a civil service building, an Anglican church, and residences for civil servants of high rank. And a hospital that was under construction.

In 1910, a water pumping machine was erected to give Livingstone’s citizens access to potable water. Hotels, businesses, and cold storage initially relied on a generator as their primary source of electrical power. But in subsequent years, the Zambezi River’s Hydro Electric Power Station became their primary source of electricity.

Livingstone is currently a location that is teeming with life. And is imbued with both ancient and modern manifestations of Zambian culture. The colonial and public buildings, with their broad, columned entrances, and white facades. And some with wooden verandas, nevertheless retain part of the old world allure that made them so appealing.

Viktoriafälle jetzt

The Victoria Falls cascade, located in southern Africa on the Zambezi River, is home to some endemic plant and animal species that are unique to this part of the planet. It is one of the world’s greatest waterfalls and can be found on the boundary between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The breadth of this waterfall is 1,708 meters (5,604 ft).

There is

Statue von David Livingstone & Victoria Falls , Safari-Weltreisen

a lengthy record of African awareness of the place, as described by archeological sites as well as oral history. David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary, was the one to discover the falls in 1855. He gave them the English colonial name of Victoria Falls after Queen Victoria. Even though the falls had been known to certain European geographers before the 19th century.

Seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts hat sich der Standort zu einem immer wichtigeren Bestandteil der Tourismusbranche entwickelt. Nationalparks und andere touristische Infrastrukturen befinden sich in Sambia und Simbabwe am selben Ort. Laut Studien, die Ende der 2010er Jahre durchgeführt wurden. Es wird erwartet, dass die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Niederschlagsvariabilität die Natur der Herbstsaison verändern werden.


1. Wer ist die Statue an den Victoriafällen?

A: On the Zimbabwean side of Victoria Falls is a statue of David Livingstone. Two efforts have been made in recent years to have the statue of David Livingstone taken down; nevertheless, it has been successful each time.

2. Liegt Livingstone in Sambia oder Simbabwe?

A: The most popular tourist destination in all of Zambia may be found in the Southern Province in the city of Livingstone. The falls may be seen from both Zimbabwe and Zambia since they are located right on the border. Visit Victoria Falls for details on the Zimbabwean side of the waterfall, as well as a side-by-side comparison of the two.

3. Was hat Dr. David Livingstone entdeckt?

A: Berühmt dafür, der erste Europäer zu sein, der die Victoriafälle entdeckte, war David Livingstone auch ein Abolitionist und Chirurg aus Schottland, der ursprünglich geplant hatte, als Missionar nach China zu reisen. Erst als der erste Opiumkrieg im September 1839 ausbrach, richtete Livingstone seine Aufmerksamkeit auf Afrika.

4. Ist Dr. Livingstones Herz woanders begraben?

A: Livingstone starb am 1. Mai 1873 in Chitambo, Sambia, nicht in Livingstonia, Malawi. Seine Expeditionsteamkollegen balsamierten seine Leiche ein und begruben sein Herz neben einem Baum mit einer kleinen Hommage.

5. Welche Sprache wird in Livingstone Sambia gesprochen?

A: Sambia verwendet Englisch. Bemba, Nyanja, Tonga, Luvale, Lunda, Kaonde und Lozi sind die Hauptsprachen. Livingstone in der Nähe von Simbabwe spricht Tonga, obwohl Lusaka Nyanja und Bemba spricht.

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