Helikopterflug über die Viktoriafälle

die Victoriafälle

On the Zambezi River, which serves as the boundary between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is where you’ll find the magnificent and awe-inspiring Victoria Falls. This natural wonder is a sight to see. The Kololo people who lived in the region in the 1800s referred to it as “Mosi-oa-Tunya,” which translates to “The Smoke that Thunders.” In today’s parlance, Victoria Falls is referred to as the waterfall that creates the largest curtain of cascading water anywhere in the globe flight over Victoria Falls.

At the peak of the wet season, more than 500 million cubic meters of water per minute cascade over the edge and into a gorge that is more than one hundred meters below, creating columns of spray that can be seen from miles away. The width of the waterfall is nearly two kilometers, and it has a depth of more than one hundred meters flight over Victoria Falls.

Helikopterflug über die Viktoriafälle , Safari-Weltreisen

The Zambezi River, which was once a calm body of water, is now a raging torrent that carves its way through several impressive gorges thanks to a large basalt rock that the falls roar over.

Another side of the fall

The other side of the Falls is dominated by a second vertical basalt cliff that reaches the same height. And is topped by a densely forested area that is covered in fog. A walkway that runs along the edge of the forest offers. It is for those who are willing to withstand the intense spray and an unrivaled succession of views of the waterfall flight over Victoria Falls.

Visitors can get the best view of the Eastern Waterfall and the Main Falls as well as the Boiling Pot. Which is the point where the river goes and heads down the Batoka Gorge. It is by standing on the Knife-edge Bridge, which is a special vantage point. Other viewing sites include Devil’s Pool, Livingstone Island, the Falls Bridge, and the Lookout Tree. Each of these offers panoramic views over the Main Falls. Livingstone Island is also a popular destination for tourists flying over Victoria Falls.

Hubschrauberflüge über den Viktoriafällen

Der atemberaubende Helikopterflug über den Victoriafällen ist so atemberaubend, dass er den Namen „Flight of Angels“ verdient hat.

When David Livingstone saw Victoria Falls for the first time in 1855, he is credited with writing that “Scenes so exquisite must have been looked upon by angels on their flight.” This is now a famous quote. He had no idea that precisely the same chance would present itself to him one hundred and fifty years later flight over Victoria Falls.

When seen from above, Victoria Falls may be appreciated for the genuine splendor that they have. This is the greatest method to do it. All of the seats in our helicopters have specifically constructed windows in the form of a bubble, making them ideal for panoramic views and providing excellent picture possibilities flight over Victoria Falls.

As a result of the proximity of the Maramba Aerodrome to the Zambezi River, the helicopters are already flying high above the breathtaking beauty of the Zambezi River within thirty seconds after liftoff.


A ride in a helicopter above the majestic Victoria Falls is an experience that comes just once in a lifetime and should not be passed up. You will be overcome with wonder as you get a bird’s-eye view of the crashing waterfall below.

Fly far above the towering curtain of mist that is produced by Victoria Falls. Prepare to be awestruck as you take in the spectacle of the biggest sheet of falling water in the world.

Take some time to reflect on the beauty of this natural phenomenon. And take in the sights, for these are the kinds of experiences that you remember and cherish for a long time flight over Victoria Falls.

In addition, don’t forget to bring your camera along on this helicopter ride over Victoria Falls. So that you may take advantage of the countless picture chances flight over Victoria Falls.

It is that will present themselves to you. You have the option of taking the shorter and more well-known “Flight of Angels” helicopter ride (which lasts 13 minutes). Or going on the longer and more comprehensive “Zambezi Spectacular” ride (which lasts 25 minutes) flight over Victoria Falls.

Helikopterflug über die Viktoriafälle , Safari-Weltreisen

During the process of arranging your helicopter ride above Victoria Falls. You will also have the option to add on a few other activities. You may choose between Victoria Falls helicopter tour combinations that are full of excitement. Such as a Zambezi River sunset cruise, or Victoria Falls helicopter tour combinations that are more peaceful flight over Victoria Falls.

Unsere Erfahrung

We had a helicopter ride above Victoria Falls, which is a really beautiful and gorgeous part of the globe, and we got some incredible images as a result. Because it is the biggest waterfall in the world, Victoria Falls is home to several rare species that can be found nowhere else on the earth.

These species are endemic to the area and cannot be found anywhere else. We got to see some of Africa’s most unique and varied plant and animal life flight over Victoria Falls.

It should come as no astonishment that this location is abundant in natural features, and we can guarantee that there are still some locations on earth that are untouched by the din and bustle of urban centers flight over Victoria Falls.


Incredible picture possibilities may be found on scenic helicopter rides above Victoria Falls. Because the Maramba Aerodrome is located so near the Zambezi River. It only takes the helicopter rides around 30 seconds to reach the breathtaking views.

It is along the Zambezi River after takeoff. A fantastic and exciting activity for the whole family that guarantees the very greatest views of Victoria Falls. And the Zambezi River flight over Victoria Falls.

As a result, Victoria Falls should be at the top of your list of potential vacation spots. It is if you want your trip to be one to remember. The helicopter ride there is the icing on the cake. And an experience that only comes around once in a lifetime flight over Victoria Falls.


1. Lohnt sich ein Helikopterflug über die Victoriafälle?

A: Helikopterflüge über den Viktoriafällen sind teuer, aber lohnenswert. Die Victoriafälle an der Grenze zwischen Sambia und Simbabwe sind doppelt so hoch und breit wie die Niagarafälle.

2. What is the cost of a helicopter ride?

A: A short helicopter flight for 15 minutes costs $189.

3. Was ist das Besondere an den Victoriafällen?

A: Die Victoriafälle, bekannt für ihre Gischt, ihren Nebel und ihre Regenbögen, sind die größte Wasserfläche der Welt.

4. Sind die Victoriafälle größer als Niagara?

A: Die Victoriafälle sind fast doppelt so hoch und einen halben Kilometer breiter als die Niagarafälle. Die Gischt der Victoriafälle kann 400 m über den Wasserfällen aufsteigen und in der Regenzeit in 48 km Entfernung sichtbar sein.

5. Kann man in Victoria Falls schwimmen?

A: Zu den sieben Naturwundern gehören die Viktoriafälle. Devil's Pool grenzt an Livingstone Island an den Victoriafällen. Besucher von Livingstone Island können zum Rand des Wasserfalls schwimmen.

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