Gründe für einen Besuch im Damaraland in Namibia

Die weiten Landschaften und der weite Himmel Namibias sind für die Identität des Landes ebenso wichtig wie die reiche Tierwelt des Landes. Dies ist die natürliche Welt in ihrer reinsten Form, und Damaraland ist keine Ausnahme von der Regel.

Inland from the Skeleton Coast, by around 60 kilometers, is where you’ll find Damaraland. During the day, you will explore the rocky outcrops in search of desert-adapted fauna, and during the night, the sky will come to life, acting as your very own personal planetarium. With no light pollution for hundreds of miles, the night sky truly does put on a beautiful display.

Das Damaraland ist ein einzigartiges Reiseziel

This surreal landscape is characterized by its craggy mountains and striking rock formations. And boulder-strewn slopes, all of which take on a golden hue as the sun sets against the backdrop of a multicolored sky.

It is a spectacle that, in a short amount of time, transforms into a spectacular and magnificent exhibition. Containing a million pinpricks of intense light in pitch-blackness. Damaraland’s night sky gives unobstructed views into the outer reaches of the cosmos. Providing spectacular chances to go stargazing since neither big towns nor many people are living there.

In the east, you’ll find a predominance of low acacia trees and scanty grasslands. Whilst the north is home to extensive expanses of umbrella thorns, mopane trees, and Makalani palms.

Damaraland hat außergewöhnliche Sehenswürdigkeiten

The Brandberg mountains, which are located in Namibia, are the country’s highest physical feature, rising 2,573 meters above the dry plains below them. They have one of the most impressive collections of rock art in the world, which dates back approximately 6,000 years. The White Lady is the most well-known of them all and may be reached without much difficulty when accompanied by a knowledgeable tour guide.

Gründe für einen Besuch im Damaraland in Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen








Sowohl die Tsisab-Schlucht, die sich auf der nordöstlichen Seite dieses Berges befindet. Und das rund 50 Kilometer südlich von Brandberg gelegene Twyfelfontein. Sie gelten als eine der vielfältigsten Sammlungen von Felsmalereien und -malereien, die je gefunden wurden. Twyfelfontein ist ein Ort von außergewöhnlicher kultureller Bedeutung, der zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde. Es bietet einen Einblick in das spirituelle Leben der alten Menschen, die dort lebten.

There are several interesting places to visit in the region of Khorixas. Which served as the capital of the Damaraland Bantustan before Namibia’s independence. One of them is the Vingerklip. This enormous rock finger, is 35 meters in length and sits 929 meters above sea level. And is dangerously protruding from the surrounding area’s flat-topped mountains.

The Organ Pipes have been there for 120 million years. And they are made up of hundreds of angular columns that are stacked beside one another. In the same area, Burnt Mountain sparkles with a rainbow of brilliant colors in the early morning and late afternoon light. At least 250 million years have passed. It is since the petrified trees that are located to the west lay uncovered on a bed of sandstone.

Zahlreiche Dinge von Interesse

Die Spitzkoppe, oft auch als das Matterhorn Namibias bekannt, ist ein steiler und harter Spielplatz für Menschen, die gerne wandern, klettern und bouldern. Die Spitzkoppe befindet sich am südlichen Ende des Gebiets.

Aufgrund der faszinierenden Art und Weise, wie das Licht mit Ihrer Umgebung spielt. Das Damaraland ist ein Traum für Fotografen. Dies liegt daran, dass es in der Gegend so viel zu sehen gibt. Teilnahme an organisierten Wanderungen, Wanderungen und Touren durch die Region. Es ist, während Sie im Damaraland sind, die beste Art, Zeit dort zu verbringen. Die Verfolgung einiger der bekanntesten Arten Namibias in diesen weiten Aussichten ist der Höhepunkt jeder Reise ins Damaraland.

Tier- und Pflanzenleben

It is a one-of-a-kind habitat that supports the existence of extraordinary creatures and plants. There are some examples of the Welwitschia Mirabilis that have been dated back to the year 1500 and may be found here in their native habitat. The ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis can be found here.

In the mountains surrounding Etendeka, Palmwag, and Damaraland camp. You can find more common species such as baboons, giraffes, kudus, steenboks, warthogs, and oryx. Also, Hartmann’s mountain zebras, springboks, porcupines, and klipspringers. Desert-adapted animals such as elephants and rhinos are a testament. This is due to the adaptability of nature.

Das Koakoveld ist die Heimat von zehn Vogelarten, die vom Aussterben bedroht sind. Einschließlich Ruppel's korhaan, Monteiro's hornbill, Herero chat, the black eagle, the tractrac chat und the red-billed hornbill.

Die Kultur des Damaralandes ist vielfältig

The Damara, the Himba, and the Herero are three of the indigenous demographic groups that still share a great deal of culture and ancestry with their San predecessors. Also, Damaraland is home to all of these people.

Even though these people share some characteristics. They have developed in quite different ways throughout time. For example, each of them has developed its mode of clothing. And strategy for surviving in this difficult climate.

Gründe für einen Besuch im Damaraland in Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen






The Living Museum of the Damara gives visitors a chance to learn about a life that previously existed in Damaraland. It is via the presentation of a genuine recreation of the period. In addition, there is a Himba hamlet close to Palmwag that can be visited by tourists on guided excursions. And as you go into Damaraland, you will come across some Herero settlements.

Der versteinerte Wald

You’ll discover around fifty separate tree trunks scattered throughout an open region of land, which was likely formerly a riverbed. Some of the tree trunks are partially submerged. They have undergone a process known as silicification, which has caused them to convert into stone over a very long period. It is believed that they are 260 million years old.

Orgelpfeifen und verbrannte Berge

Diese Felsformation ist etwa 100 Meter lang und besteht aus einer einzigartigen Gruppe von Dolomiten, die jeweils vier Meter hoch sind. Sie haben sicherlich das Aussehen von Orgelpfeifen. Außerdem liegt Burnt Mountain ganz in der Nähe der Orgelpfeifen. Im Licht des frühen Morgens oder Abends scheint der Felsen in einem satten Orange zu leuchten und erweckt den Eindruck, als würde er brennen.


It is highly recommended that you visit Damaraland during your time in Namibia if you are observing for an experience that is unique to the country. This region is home to a wide variety of magnificent animals and intriguing people. All of these combine to make for a vacation that will live long in memory.

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