Berühmte Persönlichkeiten, die Namibia besucht haben - Namibia zieht Weltstars an

Celebrities That Visited Namibia

The country of Namibia is one of untamed beauty, with beautiful vistas and an incredible variety of species. It has developed into a well-liked vacation spot, attracting visitors from all over the globe, including plenty of well-known celebrities. This article will take a look at 15 famous people who have been to Namibia, as well as the places they went to when they were there celebrities that visited Namibia.

Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie – Schauspieler und humanitäre Aktivisten, USA

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are well-known actors and humanitarian activists. Both Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have established careers in the entertainment industry and are active in charitable causes. On their trip to Namibia in 2006, they stayed at the opulent Naankuse Lodge, which is situated not far from the capital city of Windhoek Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

During their stay, they visited the Etosha-Nationalpark, where they went on a safari to witness the many animals that are native to the region, and they also spent time with the San Bushmen who live in the area Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

The Naankuse Lodge can be found on a private game reserve that is home to a wide variety of animals, such as baboons, cheetahs, and leopards. Also, it provides tourists with the opportunity to learn about the local culture as well as conservation activities in the area.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Charlize Theron – Schauspielerin und humanitäre Aktivistin, Südafrika/USA

Charlize Theron is a well-known actress and campaigner for several causes related to humanity. She was native to Südafrika, but she also has citizenship in the United States of America in addition to her citizenship in South Africa. In 2012, she traveled to Namibia and stayed at the Wolwedans Lodge, which is located inside the NamibRand Natural Reserve. During her stay, she traveled to the Skeleton Coast and embarked on a journey in a hot air balloon that took her over the sand dunes of Sossusvlei Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

The Wolwedans Lodge can be found in the NamibRand Natural Reserve, which is home to a large variety of animals, such as antelopes, zebras, and cheetahs. The reserve is also home to the Wolwedans Family. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy all the conveniences of contemporary facilities while also taking in the natural beauty of the surrounding desert Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Prinz Harry – Britisches Königshaus und humanitärer Aktivist, Vereinigtes Königreich

Prince Harry is a well-known humanitarian campaigner in addition to being a member of the royal family of the United Kingdom. In 2018, he traveled to Namibia and stayed at the opulent Hoanib Valley Camp throughout his trip. During his stay, he traveled to the Skeleton Coast and went on a safari to get a better look at the animals that live in the area Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

A desert-adapted population of elephants, lions, and giraffes may be found in the vicinity of the Hoanib Valley Camp, which is situated in the isolated Kaokoland area of Namibia. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy all the conveniences of contemporary facilities while also taking in the natural beauty of the surrounding desert Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Victoria Beckham – Modedesignerin und ehemaliges Spice Girl, Vereinigtes Königreich

A well-known fashion designer, as well as a former member of the girl group the Spice Girls, Victoria Beckham, is one of the Beckham sisters. In 2017, she traveled to Namibia with her family, which included her husband, David Beckham, and their children Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

They enjoyed their stay at the opulent Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp and took part in a variety of activities, such as a flight in a helicopter over the Skeleton Coast, a trip to the Namib Desert, and a ride in a hot air balloon above the dunes of Sossusvlei.

A desert-adapted population of elephants, lions, and giraffes may be found in the vicinity of the Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp, which is situated in the isolated Kaokoland area of Namibia. Guests have the opportunity to take in the natural splendor of the area while also making use of the camp’s full complement of contemporary conveniences Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Bear Grylls – Abenteurer und Fernsehmoderator, Vereinigtes Königreich

Bear Grylls is a well-known explorer and presenter on television. He is best known for his survival series, such as “Man vs. Wild” and “Running Wild with Bear Grylls.” In 2015, he went on a trip to Namibia, and while there, he took part in a variety of activities, such as camping out in the desert and stalking black rhinos. In addition to that, he traveled to Etosha National Park as well as the Skeleton Coast Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Während seiner Zeit in Namibia arbeitete Bear Grylls daran, den Tierschutz und die Aufklärung über die vielfältigen Ökosysteme des Landes zu fördern. Er arbeitete mit namibischen Naturschützern zusammen, um ein Verständnis für die Probleme zu bekommen, mit denen die Spitzmaulnashornpopulation des Landes konfrontiert ist, und um beim Prozess der Geldbeschaffung für Naturschutzinitiativen zu helfen.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Michael Fassbender – Schauspieler, Deutschland/Irland

Michael Fassbender is a well-known actor who has had leading roles in several films, including X-Men: First Class, 12 Years a Slave, and Steve Jobs. In 2015, he traveled to Namibia and spent some time there. While there, he stayed at the Okonjima Resort, which is situated in the Omboroko Mountains. During his time in Namibia, he went on a safari to see the native flora and fauna, and he also stopped by the AfriCat Foundation, an organization that is committed to the preservation of Namibia’s great predators Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

In einem privaten Wildreservat, das eine Vielzahl von Tieren beherbergt, darunter Leoparden, Geparden und Hyänen, befindet sich die Okonjima Lodge. Es ermöglicht den Besuchern nicht nur, die natürliche Schönheit der Gegend zu genießen, sondern bietet auch Informationen und Gelegenheiten für Touristen, etwas über die lokale Kultur und Naturschutzinitiativen zu erfahren.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Leonardo DiCaprio – Schauspieler und Umweltaktivist, USA

Leonardo DiCaprio is an accomplished actor as well as a fighter for the environment. In 2013, he traveled to Namibia and stayed at the Sossusvlei Desert Resort for his trip. During his stay, he traveled to the NamibRand Natural Reserve in addition to going on a journey in a hot air balloon that took him over the sand dunes of Sossusvlei Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Gäste des im Namib-Naukluft-Nationalpark gelegenen Sossusvlei Desert Resort haben die Möglichkeit, die natürliche Schönheit der Wüste zu genießen und gleichzeitig von den Annehmlichkeiten und Dienstleistungen moderner Unterkünfte zu profitieren. Während die Lodge an einem der dunkelsten Orte der Welt zu finden ist, ist sie auch berühmt für die großartigen astronomischen Möglichkeiten, die dort zu finden sind.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Angelique Kidjo – Musikerin und humanitäre Aktivistin, Benin

Benin-born Angelique Kidjo is an internationally renowned artist in addition to being an activist for humanitarian causes. In 2017, she traveled to Namibia and participated in the Namibian Women Summit, an event that centered on advancing women’s rights in Namibia. In addition to that, she went to Etosha National Park to see the native animals of the nation.

The Etosha National Park is one of the most visited places in Namibia and is home to a wide variety of faunas, such as lions, elephants, and giraffes. It is also one of the most prevalent tourist attractions in all of Africa. It allows guests to take in the natural splendor of the area while still providing them with the conveniences and facilities associated with contemporary life Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Will Smith – Schauspieler und Musiker, USA

Will Smith is a popular name in the entertainment industry, both as an actor and a singer. He is most recognized for his appearances in movies like “Men in Black” and “The Pursuit of Happyness.” In 2006, he vacationed in Namibia and stayed at the opulent Onguma Safari Lodge, which is situated near the Etosha National Park. During his time there, he went on a safari to get a better look at the native flora and fauna.

The Onguma Safari Lodge can be found on a private game reserve, which is home to many different kinds of animals, such as lions, elephants, and giraffes. It allows visitors to take in the natural splendor of the area while still providing all of the conveniences and facilities associated with contemporary accommodations Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Rick Ross – Rapper und Unternehmer, USA

Rick Ross is a well-known entrepreneur and rapper in the music industry. In 2019, he traveled to Namibia and stayed at the Omaanda Lodge, which is situated inside a private game reserve in the country. On his trip, he saw the animals of the country on a safari and traveled to the Namib Desert. Both of these places are located in Namibia.

The Omaanda Lodge can be found on a private game reserve, which is home to many different kinds of animals, such as zebras, antelopes, and giraffes. It allows visitors to take in the natural splendor of the area while still providing all of the conveniences and luxuries associated with contemporary accommodations, such as a spa and wellness center Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Halle Berry – Schauspielerin, USA

Halle Berry is an accomplished actress who has garnered acclaim for her performances in films like “Catwoman” and “Monster’s Ball.” In 2018, she traveled to Namibia and stayed at the Sossusvlei Desert Resort throughout her trip. During her stay, she visited the NamibRand Natural Reserve in addition to going on a flight in a hot air balloon that took her over the sand dunes of Sossusvlei.

Gäste des im Namib-Naukluft-Nationalpark gelegenen Sossusvlei Desert Resort haben die Aussicht, die natürliche Schönheit der Wüste zu genießen und gleichzeitig von den Annehmlichkeiten und Dienstleistungen moderner Unterkünfte zu profitieren. Das NamibRand Natural Reserve ist ein Naturschutzgebiet, das sich in Privatbesitz befindet und betrieben wird und Besuchern die Möglichkeit bietet, eine Vielzahl von Arten wie Geparden, Zebras und Giraffen zu sehen.

Celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities

Jay – Z – Musician and Rapper, United States

Shawn Corey Carter, popularly known as Jay-Z, is an American rapper, songwriter, record executive, and entrepreneur. He is considered one of the greatest and most successful rappers of all time, with over 100 million records sold worldwide. Jay-Z is also known for his business ventures, including his record label, Roc Nation, and his champagne brand, Ace of Spades Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Während ihres Besuchs sollen Jay-Z und Beyonce die luxuriösen Unterkünfte und erstklassigen Annehmlichkeiten der Sossusvlei Desert Lodge sowie die atemberaubende Aussicht auf die umliegende Wüstenlandschaft genossen haben. Berichten zufolge besuchten sie auch die nahe gelegenen Sanddünen von Sossusvlei, die für ihre leuchtend rote Farbe und ihre gewaltige Höhe bekannt sind. Das Paar wurde auch gesehen, wie es die lokale Stadt Swakopmund erkundete, die für ihre deutsche Kolonialarchitektur und ihre Lage am Meer bekannt ist.

Insgesamt unterstreicht der Besuch von Jay-Z in Namibia die einzigartige Mischung aus natürlicher Schönheit, luxuriösen Unterkünften und kulturellen Erlebnissen des Landes. Mit seinen atemberaubenden Landschaften, der einzigartigen Tierwelt und den erstklassigen Annehmlichkeiten ist Namibia zu einem immer beliebteren Reiseziel für Prominente und Reisende geworden.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Jada Pinkett Smith – Schauspielerin und Musikerin, USA

Jada Pinkett Smith is a well-known performer in the film industry, having appeared in films such as “The Matrix Reloaded” and “Magic Mike XXL.” She is also a singer. In 2017, she traveled to Namibia and stayed at the Sossusvlei Desert Resort throughout her trip. During her stay, she visited the NamibRand Natural Reserve in addition to going on a flight in a hot air balloon that took her over the sand dunes of Sossusvlei Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Gäste des Sossusvlei Desert Resort, das im Namib-Naukluft-Nationalpark liegt, haben die Möglichkeit, die Wüste zu sehen und zu fotografieren, während sie gleichzeitig von den Annehmlichkeiten und Dienstleistungen moderner Unterkünfte profitieren. Das NamibRand Natural Reserve ist ein Naturschutzgebiet, das sich in Privatbesitz befindet und betrieben wird und Besuchern die Möglichkeit bietet, eine Vielzahl von Arten wie Geparden, Zebras und Giraffen zu sehen.

Edward Norton – Schauspieler und Umweltaktivist, USA

Edward Norton is a well-known actor who is also an environmental activist. He is most recognized for his parts in films like “Fight Club” and “The Grand Budapest Hotel.” In 2016, he traveled to Namibia and spent some time there. While there, he stayed at the Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp, which is situated inside the Skeleton Coast National Park. On his trip, he not only went on a safari to observe the animals that are native to the area, but he also went to see the Himba people, who are also native to the region.

The Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp can be found on a private reserve that is home to a wide range of animals, such as lions, cheetahs, and elephants. The Skeleton Coast National Park is famous for its wild beauty and is home to a wide variety of marine species, such as seals, dolphins, and other sea mammals Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Mick Jagger – Musiker, Vereinigtes Königreich

One of the most well-known musicians in the world, Mick Jagger is most recognized for his work as the lead vocalist of The Rolling Stones. In 2019, he traveled to Namibia and stayed at the Zannier Hotels Omaanda Lodge, which is situated inside a private game reserve. During his time there, he went on a safari to get a better look at the native flora and fauna Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

In einem privaten Wildreservat, das eine Vielzahl von Tieren beherbergt, darunter Zebras, Giraffen und Löwen, befindet sich die Zannier Hotels Omaanda Lodge. Die Lodge bietet ihren Besuchern die Möglichkeit, alle Annehmlichkeiten moderner Einrichtungen zu genießen und gleichzeitig die natürliche Schönheit der Umgebung zu genießen.

During his visit to Namibia, Jagger stayed at the luxurious Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp, located in the remote Kaokoveld region of the country.

The camp is known for its stunning views of the desert landscape, as well as its unique wildlife, including desert-adapted elephants, lions, and giraffes. Jagger also visited the Sossusvlei sand dunes, one of Namibia’s most famous natural wonders, which are known for their vibrant red color and stunning views Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Besuch von First Lady Jill Biden

As part of the journey she took around Africa in June 2021, First Lady Jill Biden made a stop in Namibia. Her trip was planned to draw attention to the dedication of the United States government to the advancement of education and opportunities for women.

During her time in Namibia, she had the opportunity to explore the Grashoek Agricultural Research Station as well as meet with President Hage Geingob. The station is an integral component of a larger program that educates female farmers in Namibia about environmentally responsible agricultural methods Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Also, First Lady Biden traveled to the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia to have a better understanding of the work being done by the organization to encourage water conservation in the desert parts of the nation. In addition to this, she got together with a group of young Namibian women to talk about the significance of education and the challenges that young women in Namibia face in order to get an education Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Die Reise der First Lady nach Namibia unterstrich das Engagement der Vereinigten Staaten für die Förderung der Bildung und die Stärkung der Rolle der Frauen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Ihre Reise brachte die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und afrikanischen Nationen bei der Lösung globaler Probleme wie Klimawandel, öffentliche Gesundheit und unzureichende Bildungsmöglichkeiten ans Licht.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Lewis Hamiltons Abenteuer

In September of 2021, Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton traveled to Namibia to see the country’s diverse fauna and scenery. Hamilton had won the title seven times. On his social media accounts, Hamilton posted pictures of himself taking in the breathtaking vistas that can be seen in Namibia’s national parks, such as Etosha National Park and the Namib-Naukluft Park. Hamilton also discussed his trip Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

On his trip to Namibia, Hamilton also had the opportunity to speak with Pohamba Shifeta, the country’s Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, about the ongoing conservation efforts in that nation.

In his visit to Namibia, which highlighted the country’s potential for ecotourism and the importance of sustainable tourism practices, Hamilton expressed his passion for environmental issues and his desire to use his platform to raise awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife and the habitats in which they live.

His efforts to protect the environment serve as an example of how influential public personalities may utilize their platforms to advance causes favorable to society.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Gabrielle Unions Empowerment-Trip

The American actress and activist Gabrielle Union went to Namibia in July 2021 as part of an empowerment trip to Africa Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

The tour took place in Africa. Throughout the course of her trip, she had the opportunity to speak with Namibian women and girls on a variety of topics, including gender equality, education, and health. In addition to that, she went to a neighborhood elementary school and took part in several local dance productions Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

The “Girls Take Africa” campaign, which strives to empower young women and girls all throughout the continent, was the bigger endeavor that Union’s visit was a part of.

The visit by the Union shed light on the obstacles that Namibian women and girls must overcome in order to get access to education and healthcare. She brought to light the significance of cross-cultural communication and the usefulness of gaining an understanding of a variety of cultures and practices from across the world.

The activism of the Union in support of women’s rights and gender equality is not only motivating but also serves as a useful reminder of the effort that has to be made to achieve gender parity in Namibia and around the globe Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Barack Obamas Naturschutzbemühungen

In 2019, the former President of the United States, Barack Obama, traveled to Namibia to promote tourism and environmental initiatives. The President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, went to the Okonjima Natural Reserve in Namibia and met with local conservationists there to talk about methods to safeguard the local wildlife, namely the cheetah population.

Over the course of his trip, President Obama also gave a speech at the Namibia Town Hall, in which he underlined the need to protect the environment for the sake of future generations. He emphasized the need for nations to work together to solve global environmental concerns like the modification of the climate and the loss of habitats Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Während seiner Reise nach Namibia machte Präsident Obama auf die Notwendigkeit des Schutzes von Wildtieren und das Potenzial des Landes als Reiseziel für Ökotourismus aufmerksam. Sein Engagement für die Umwelt und sein Engagement für den Schutz natürlicher Ökosysteme dienen als Vorbild für Menschen und Regierungen auf der ganzen Welt.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Roger Federers Sportentwicklungsinitiative

Roger Federer, a famous tennis player from Switzerland, paid a visit to Namibia in 2019 as part of his responsibilities as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). During his trip, Roger Federer announced the launch of a new sports development initiative to encourage young people in Namibia to engage in physical exercise and participate in community activities Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Das Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen (UNICEF) und die Roger Federer Foundation haben bei einem Unterfangen zusammengearbeitet, das als „Rally for Hope“ bekannt sein wird. Sein Hauptziel ist es sicherzustellen, dass Kinder, die in den ländlichen und vernachlässigten Regionen Namibias leben, Zugang zu qualitativ hochwertigen Sportunterrichts- und Sporteinrichtungen haben.

The ability of sports to promote physical health, social integration, and personal growth was on full display during Federer’s visit to Namibia, which was a highlight of the trip. His support for the growth of athletics serves as a recap of how important it is to invest in young people and provide them with the opportunity to be successful Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Jose Mourinhos Wohltätigkeitsarbeit

The Portuguese football manager Jose Mourinho traveled to Namibia in 2017 as part of his charitable work with the organization Coaches Across Continents, which is dedicated to advancing football on a global scale. The mission of the organization is to reduce conflict and violence by utilizing football as a vehicle for social development, to promote gender equality, and to promote gender equality Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Mourinho took part in football training sessions with young Namibians when he was in the country, and he also met with members of the Namibia Football Association to explore ways to further football development in the nation Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

The trip that Mourinho took to Namibia highlighted the potential of football as a weapon for social development as well as the significance of investing in the nation’s young people. His support for the growth of football brings to light the need to use sports as a vehicle for bringing about good change in communities all around the globe Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Thierry Henrys Bemühungen zum Schutz der Tierwelt

Thierry Henry, a French football player, traveled to Namibia in 2019 as part of his work with the nonprofit One Tree Planted, which is dedicated to the preservation of wildlife. The group is dedicated to the protection of animals and the preservation of natural habitats in Africa and other parts of the globe.

On his trip, Henry engaged in a conservation initiative that was focused on safeguarding the Namibian cheetah population by planting trees in the Khomas Hochland Mountains. In addition, he planted trees in the Khomas Hochland Mountains Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Henry’s trip to Namibia brought to light the significance of reforestation initiatives and the protection of wildlife in the context of fostering the long-term viability of the ecosystem.

His activism for the preservation of the environment draws attention to the fact that in order to maintain the earth, people, and organizations will need to collaborate with Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

Famous celebrities that visited Namibia – Namibia attracts world celebrities, Safari World Tours

Robert Lewandowskis Philanthropische Bemühungen

Robert Lewandowski, a Polish player, traveled to Namibia in 2021 as part of his work with the Robert Lewandowski Foundation, a charitable organization whose mission is to assist poor children and young people in Poland and throughout the globe.

During his time in Namibia, Lewandowski stopped by the Namibian Children’s Home to spend time with the kids there. He also took part in a football clinic that was held there to encourage people to get active and interact with one another Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

The trip that Lewandowski took to Namibia brought to light the significance of charitable endeavors in terms of their role in advancing social progress and expanding access to opportunities for underprivileged areas.

His work to encourage youth development and engagement in sports serves as a useful reminder of the significant role that sports can play in fostering both personal growth and societal transformation Celebrities That Visited Namibia


As a result of its breathtaking scenery, one-of-a-kind animals, and exquisite lodgings, Namibia has emerged as a destination of choice for a growing number of well-known people from all over the globe.

During the course of its history, the nation has played host to a wide variety of notable people, including artists and performers from Hollywood Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

During their stays in Namibia, these famous people have had the opportunity to see some of the country’s most well-known tourist spots, such as the rough coastline of the Skeleton Coast and the red sand dunes of Sossusvlei.

Students have also had the opportunity to engage with the communities who are indigenous to the area and get an understanding of the country’s diverse cultural history Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

The locations that were frequented by these famous people in Namibia provide an ideal jumping-off place for any traveler interested in seeing the various treasures that can be found in the country. Everyone may find something of interest to them in Namibia, whether it is the country’s rich history, its abundant wildlife, or just the breathtaking beauty of the natural environment Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

So instead of following in the footsteps of these well-known tourists, why don’t you go to Namibia and discover its enchantment for yourself? No matter whether you are visiting Namibia by yourself, with your family, or with a large group of friends, you are certain to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience there that you will remember for many years to come Celebrities That Visited Namibia.

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Safari World Tours ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen zur Förderung von Reisen und Reisezielen. Hauptsächlich mit Fokus auf süd- und westafrikanische Länder. Unsere Safari-Touren sind gut organisiert und für jeden Reisenden geeignet.

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