Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia

Things to Do in Swakopmund

Swakopmund is popularly known as an adrenalin junkie’s paradise. The adventure activities on air, ocean, and sand in Swakopmund are mind-blowing whilst enjoying and exploring your Namibia overland trip. With a decidedly German look and feel due to its colonial architecture, Swakopmund is Namibia’s most popular holiday destination Things to Do in Swakopmund.

As Namibia’s adrenalin capital, Swakopmund is a candy store of fun activities to quench the thirst of even the most extreme adrenalin junkie. Its pleasant summer climate and decent beaches attract surfers, anglers, and beach lovers from all over Southern Africa. It offers a host of exciting and unique adventure activities, which are the ultimate ways to explore all the natural wonder and beauty of a Namibia overland whilst getting your adventure fixed Things to Do in Swakopmund.

History of Swakopmund

Swakopmund, a Namibian town, holds a deep-rooted history extending to the late 15th century. Its inception can be traced back to Portuguese navigator Bartholomew Diaz’s arrival at Cape Cross in 1487, where he raised a stone cross to mark his presence Things to Do in Swakopmund.

In 1793, two Dutch sailors briefly anchored at the Swakop River mouth, while it wasn’t until 1862 that a German gunboat’s crew hoisted their flag at the same spot, marking the coastal area’s occupation.

During the colonial era, Swakopmund played a pivotal role as a harbor despite its challenging conditions. Shallow coastal waters without a sheltered lagoon and treacherous surf made it difficult. Nearby Walvis Bay was already under British control, further emphasizing Swakopmund’s significance for German colonial endeavors Things to Do in Swakopmund.

To overcome the challenges faced by settlers and troops landing in rough surf, a costly artificial harbor was constructed. Regular freight traffic commenced in 1894, managed by a Hamburg-based shipping company. Initially, a 325-meter wooden jetty was built in 1902, later replaced by an iron one in 1912. The remnants of this historic jetty are visible today and have been repurposed, including the opening of an oyster bar in 2010 on the structure known as the ‘Jetty.’

Die besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund:

Nachfolgend haben wir eine große Auswahl an afrikanischen Abenteueraktivitäten aufgelistet, die von Swakopmund, Namibias Adrenalin City, angeboten werden:

1. Die Living Desert-Tour

This is a special 4×4 adventure drive through the dunes outside Swakopmund, Namibia. The tour takes you from the stagnated, life-rich eastern part of the dunes right through the dunes to the Atlantic Ocean on the western side of the dune belt.

Just the drive dunes are a thrilling experience; however, at the end of the tour, weather permitting, you will experience a ‘roaring’ dune. It is top-rated by many visitors and tourists Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

2. Fallschirmspringen

Swakopmund is surely Namibia’s premier skydiving destination. Skydiving over the Namibia desert is surely a sight to behold. Once on the plane, you will enjoy a 30-minute scenic flight. You will experience a 30-35 second free fall at 220km/hr after exiting the plane 10,000 feet. Experienced and first-time jumpers are all equally welcome to throw themselves out of the plane and plummet toward the Namib desert Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Beginners have two options which are to either embark on a full-day training course with a solo jump at the end or, better still, take a shorter course followed by a tandem jump, where your instructor does all the work. Be sure to endeavor to open your eyes and enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Namib desert, meeting the southern Atlantic Ocean Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

3. Quadfahren

Quad biking is the most popular tour, as real adventure starts with the ride of one’s life. It is easier to ride at the beginning of the trip as it gives you time to get used to the bikes. Professional guides will be available to lead you toward the dune belt Things to Do in Swakopmund.

The savage beauty and starkness of the dune belt are captured in the 2-hour trip on your way to the sunset dune. You will get a stunning view over the Atlantic Ocean with amazing photo opportunities offers Things to Do in Swakopmund.

4. Sandboarden

The Swakopmund dunes are any board lover’s dream on a Namibia Rundreise. Two options are provided during sandboarding. You can either lie down or stand up with no experience needed. There are six different slopes included in the lie-down option. Speeds of up to 80km/hour can be reached for the maximum adrenalin buzz. All necessary equipment is provided Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

5. Nationales Meeresaquarium

This waterfront aquarium was recently renovated, and it does a great job of introducing people to the marine life that lives in the chilly waters of the South Atlantic Things to Do in Swakopmund.

The tunnel through the biggest aquarium is the highlight since it provides up-close encounters with elegant rays, toothy sharks (you can count the teeth!), and other tiny marine creatures.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

In Namibias National Marine Aquarium können Sie eine große Vielfalt an Meereslebewesen sehen, darunter afrikanische Pinguine, Lumpenhaie, Oktopusse, grüne Meeresschildkröten und viele mehr. Die Galerie ist täglich außer montags von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr geöffnet und verfügt über einen Unterwassersteg, auf dem Besucher einen guten Blick auf einige der größeren Bewohner des Tanks werfen können.

6. Kristall-Galerie

The Kristall Galerie is a crystal and gemstone gallery in Swakopmund, Namibia. Displayed therein are many precious stones, minerals, and crystals mined in Namibia and elsewhere throughout the globe. Rare and magnificent mineral specimens, fossils, and jewelry are on display and for sale at the gallery, providing a once-in-a-lifetime experience for visitors.

In addition to showcasing a variety of minerals and gems, the Kristall Galerie also includes educational materials regarding geology, mineral formation, and the history of mining in Namibia. The Kristall Galerie in Swakopmund is a fantastic stop for any kind of tourist, whether you’re a collector, a geology buff, or simply someone who enjoys the wonders of nature Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

7. Besuchen Sie gute Restaurants mit Meeresfrüchten

If you’re looking for a destination to eat that has fresh, tasty seafood, go no further than Swakopmund, where you’ll find a vast choice of eateries serving up seafood of all kinds Things to Do in Swakopmund.

It’s possible to enjoy breathtaking views of the water from several of the restaurants since they’re either right on the beach or near the water’s edge.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

The Tug, one of the best seafood restaurants in Swakopmund, serves fish, prawns, and calamari that have all been caught locally and responsibly. The Jetty is another well-liked alternative; it offers a wide variety of seafood meals, such as grilled fish and seafood platters, as well as other food and drink options.

The Yellow Restaurant is a fine dining option, serving upmarket seafood dishes made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients by the restaurant’s talented chefs.

8. Tag Besuch der Robbenkolonie Cape Cross an der Skelettküste

Visitors flock to the Cape Cross Seal Colony on Namibia’s Skeleton Coast. There are thousands of Cape fur seals living in this colony, making it the biggest of its kind in the world. One may visit the colony for the day and see the seals for themselves, learn about their habitat and behavior, and watch them interact with each other and their surroundings.

About 140 kilometers north of Swakopmund, in the Cape Cross Seal Colony, lies a readily accessible road. A walkway meanders through the seal colony, putting you near the seals and letting you see them in their natural environment. There is information available on the colony’s past and the significance of current conservation efforts to preserve these remarkable creatures.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

9. Tag Besuch der Spitzkoppe

Namibia, in southwest Africa, is home to the towering granite peaks known as Spitzkoppe. Day-trippers go there to marvel at the region’s rare geology, abundant animals, and pristine landscapes. Day trips to the Spitzkoppe Mountains often include a drive through the picturesque countryside and a stroll or trek to the top of one of the peaks for breathtaking vistas. Plants and animals, such as baboons, antelopes, and birds, are abundant in the area Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Klettern auf Felsen und Schlafen unter den Sternen sind zwei weitere beliebte Aktivitäten für Touristen neben dem Wandern und dem Beobachten der lokalen Fauna. Reisende, die mehr über die Geologie und Geschichte der Region erfahren möchten, können geführte Ausflüge nutzen, die von mehreren Dienstleistern angeboten werden.

10. Besuchen Sie das Hohenzollernhaus

Here’s another colonial structure from Germany that’s well worth exploring. During its first century and a half, the Hohenzollern Building was a hotel and an administrative office. Today, it houses apartments. In 1983, the structure was designated as a National Monument. Even though tourists cannot enter the building these days, the elaborate external design features are well worth the trip Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

11. Delfinbeobachtungstour

To see the dolphins in their native environment, tourists in Swakopmund often board boats to do so. Guides have extensive knowledge of dolphins and other species that may be seen for the excursion, which may run for several hours. Common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and spinner dolphins are just a few of the dolphin varieties that visitors may view. Visitors have a good possibility of seeing seals, whales, and other marine species, and they may often witness dolphins playing in the surf.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

12. Township-Rundgang

Walking township tours take guests on a stroll around the neighborhoods of the townships, where they may get insight into the area’s rich history and culture. Visitors may meet the people and get a glimpse into their everyday lives by joining a tour that stops at houses, community centers, and other interesting locations Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Die Gäste können auch an kulturellen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, darunter Musik, Tanz und Geschichtenerzählen, und regionale Küche und Getränke probieren. Swakopmunds Township-Touren zu Fuß sind eine einzigartige, authentische Möglichkeit, die Bewohner der Stadt und Namibias reiches kulturelles Erbe kennenzulernen.

13. Übernachtungstour nach Sossusvlei

The Namib Desert in Namibia is home to the surreal vistas and famous sand dunes of Sossusvlei. A typical Sossusvlei overnight trip includes desert camping so that visitors may take in the area’s stunning scenery both day and night Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Daytime excursions include trips to Deadvlei, a salt and clay pan surrounded by old, dead acacia trees, and up the towering sand dunes for stunning views of the surrounding desert. They may enjoy the night sky without the glare of city lights by going out stargazing.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

14. Overnight tour to Etosha National Park

There are many elephants, lions, and other large game species in the northern Namibian wildlife reserve known as Etosha National Park. Staying at a safari camp or lodge within Etosha National Park is a common part of any overnight visit to the park since it provides easy access to the many ecosystems and species that can be found there Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Die Gäste können den Tag damit verbringen, bei geführten Pirschfahrten in Fahrzeugen im Freien nach Tieren wie Zebras, Giraffen, Geparden und Springböcken zu suchen. Neben seiner reichen Tierwelt beherbergt der Park aufgrund seiner vielen verschiedenen Ökosysteme, darunter grasbewachsene Savannen und Salzebenen, eine große Vielfalt an Vogelarten. Nach einem erlebnisreichen Tag können sich die Gäste beim Abendessen und in guter Gesellschaft am Lagerfeuer entspannen.

15. Besuchen Sie das Wörmannhaus

In Swakopmund, Namibia, liegt das historische Woermannhaus. Die deutsche Handelsfirma Woermann gab 1905 den Bau in Auftrag und es war das wichtigste Handels- und Gesellschaftszentrum der Stadt.

The Woermannhaus is an excellent introduction to colonial Namibia and the fascinating synthesis of German and African traditions that have formed there over the centuries. The structure, which is an example of German colonial architecture and is distinguished by its red brick exterior and exquisite decoration, has been painstakingly restored to its former glory Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

These days, you may visit a museum showcasing the past of Swakopmund and the surrounding region, as well as several unique stores and restaurants, all located in the Woermannhaus. There are also guided tours available so that guests may get insight into the building’s historical and cultural value.

16. Besuchen Sie den Jetty und das Tuk Restaurant

In Swakopmund, Namibia, two of the most visited sites are the Jetty and Tuk Restaurant. Historical in nature, The Jetty is a wooden pier that protrudes into the Atlantic Ocean and provides breathtaking panoramas of the water and the shoreline. You may fish, take a walk, and breathe in some salty sea air at this famous destination Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Ein unvergessliches Essen kann am Ende des Jetty im Tuk Restaurant eingenommen werden. Auf der Speisekarte finden Sie eine Vielzahl von Gerichten, die mit nachhaltigen Praktiken und frischen Zutaten zubereitet werden, darunter Meeresfrüchte und regionale Köstlichkeiten. Dank seiner erstklassigen Lage ganz am Ende des Jetty bietet das Restaurant seinen Gästen einen spektakulären Blick auf das Wasser und den lebhaften Hafen darunter.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

17. Besuchen Sie den Dorob-Nationalpark

Im Dorob-Nationalpark gibt es eine große Vielfalt an Ökosystemen zu entdecken, von Stränden und Klippen bis hin zu Wüsten und Sümpfen. Geführte Wildtierfahrten und -wanderungen ermöglichen es den Besuchern, nach wüstenangepassten Elefanten, Flamingos, Robben und anderen Vögeln Ausschau zu halten.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Der Dorob-Nationalpark ist nicht nur ein Paradies für Wildtiere, sondern auch eine Vielzahl kultureller und historischer Schätze, wie die Überreste von Himba-Städten, Schiffswracks entlang der Skelettküste und das weltberühmte Cape Cross Seal Reserve.

18. Geführte Fahrradtour

Explore the beachfront city of Swakopmund, Namibia, and its surrounding area on a bicycle with a guided tour. In this gorgeous seaside village, tourists may take in the views and sounds while relaxing on a cycling tour led by local experts Things to Do in Swakopmund.

The typical route includes the colonial-era architecture and German influences of the city’s historic core, as well as the seaside promenade and the Atlantic Ocean. The neighboring Jetty, Tuk Restaurant, and dunes may also be included in the itinerary, depending on the kind of trip you choose.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

19. Mondesa Township-Tour

Besucher von Mondesa können bei einer Township-Tour einen Vorgeschmack auf das lokale Leben bekommen und Einblicke in die reiche Geschichte und Kultur der Stadt erhalten. Ein typischer Ausflug führt Sie zu einigen Häusern, einem Markt, einem Gemeindezentrum und einem Tempel oder einer Moschee, um mehr über die Kultur der Menschen in Mondesa zu erfahren.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Opportunities to meet locals and get insight into their lives and the difficulties they confront daily are also common features of the journey. The music and dancing of Mondesa are also significant parts of the city’s history and tradition, and tourists may be able to see some of these performances.

20. Swakopmund Kamelfarm

In bestimmten Fällen können Touristen sogar auf den Kamelen durch die Wüstenlandschaft reiten, während sie die Tiere füttern und mit ihnen interagieren.

The Swakopmund Camel Farm is home to several camels as well as a small museum and gift store where visitors can learn more about the history and cultural importance of camels in Namibia and also buy unique, hand-made items Things to Do in Swakopmund.

21. Walvis Bay Boat Cruise Day Visit

Eine der besten Möglichkeiten, um die wunderschöne Küste und die vielen Vogelarten, die in der Lagune zu Hause sind, zu genießen, ist eine gemütliche Bootstour. Delphin- und Robbenbeobachtungen sind optionale Extras auf bestimmten Kreuzfahrten und bieten den Passagieren eine hautnahe Begegnung mit diesen erstaunlichen Tieren.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Guests on a Walvis Bay Boat Cruise Day Trip may witness local animals, as well as stop at islands like Pelican Point to learn about the area’s history and see the famed lighthouse. The boat tour also includes a visit to Dunes 7, an unusual desert oasis that is home to an extensive range of plant and innate life.

22. Tagesausflug zum Hafen von Sandwich

Birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts both will enjoy the tour’s high likelihood of seeing animals, including seals, dolphins, and flamingos. In addition to experiencing the spectacular beauty of the lagoon and its surroundings, visitors will also get the chance to explore the dunes and learn about the local environment and culture Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Transportation, an informative guide, and refreshments are all part of the 4- to 5-hour trip. This is a wonderful occasion to learn about the biological and cultural heritage of Namibia while taking in the country’s stunning landscapes Things to Do in Swakopmund.

23. Golfplatz Rossmund & Minigolf

The Rossmund Golf Course and Mini Golf may be found in the city of Swakopmund, Namibia. There’s an 18-hole course, a 9-hole course, and a mini-golf course, so golfers of all ability levels may enjoy themselves there Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

With its undulating hills, sand traps, and well-maintained greens, the championship course is sure to test even the most seasoned players Things to Do in Swakopmund.

The nine-hole course is easier and more forgiving, making it ideal for novice and casual golfers; a nine-hole mini-golf course is a great place for families to have some lighthearted fun. Rossmund Golf Course & Mini Golf is more than just a place to play golf; it also offers a restaurant and bar where golfers can unwind with a meal and a drink after a game Things to Do in Swakopmund.

24. Kajakfahren in der Lagune von Walvis Bay

Kayaking in Walvis Bay Lagoon is a favorite for tourists. Located on the edge of the Namib Desert, the lagoon is a beautiful and diverse ecosystem Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Guests taking kayak tours of the lagoon and its environs may see dolphins, seals, and a wide diversity of bird species. They may take canoes or kayaks and explore the mangrove woods and the neighboring desert, taking in the spectacular scenery of Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

25. Besuchen Sie den Schlangenpark

Pythons, cobras, vipers, chameleons, and even lizards and turtles may be seen at Snake Park, among many other reptile species. Animals may be seen in their natural settings, allowing guests to get insight into how various species have adapted to and interact with their environments Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Snake Park is more than just a collection of vivisected animals; it also has a museum and hands-on displays that provide visitors with a comprehensive introduction to the fascinating world of reptiles. Expert park rangers are happy to offer their insights and answer visitors’ inquiries Things to Do in Swakopmund.

26. Übernachtung im Cheetah Sanctuary in Otjititongwe

Located in Otjitotongwe, Namibia, the Cheetah Sanctuary serves as a conservation and education facility for cheetahs and other animals.

Visitors may spend the night at the refuge to get a better look at these gorgeous animals, as well as learn more about their biology, conservation efforts, and behavior Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Die 26 besten Aktivitäten in Swakopmund, Namibia , Safari-Weltreisen

Visitors may feed the cheetahs, pet them, and learn about the animal’s natural history and habitat while watching the animals play in large cages. Visitors may learn more about the cheetah and its role in the environment via the sanctuary’s educational programs and guided tours of Things to Do in Swakopmund.

Cheetahs aren’t the only animals that call this refuge home; meerkats, reptiles, and birds all make their homes here as well. People interested in these intriguing animals and the conservation efforts being made to safeguard them may enjoy a guided tour of the sanctuary Things to Do in Swakopmund.


Q: What is the capital of the Erongo Region?

A: The capital of the Erongo Region is Swakopmund, which is home to approximately 34,000 inhabitants.

Q: Wo liegt Swakopmund?

A: Swakopmund ist eine Küstenstadt in Namibia, die an der Westküste des südlichen Afrikas liegt.

Q: Was ist die beste Jahreszeit, um Swakopmund zu besuchen?

A: The best time to visit Swakopmund is during the cooler months of May to September when the weather is mild and dry. This is also peak tourist season.

Q: Was sind beliebte Touristenattraktionen in Swakopmund?

A: Beliebte Touristenattraktionen in Swakopmund sind das Swakopmund Museum, die Kristall Galerie, der Swakopmund Jetty und die Namib-Wüste.

Q: Welche Art von Aktivitäten können Sie in Swakopmund unternehmen?

A: Swakopmund bietet Besuchern eine große Auswahl an Aktivitäten, darunter Sandboarden, Quadfahren, Kamelreiten, Heißluftballonfahren und Fallschirmspringen. Wassersportarten wie Surfen, Kajakfahren und Angeln sind ebenfalls beliebt.

Q: Welche Währung wird in Swakopmund verwendet?

A: Die in Swakopmund verwendete Währung ist der Namibische Dollar (NAD), obwohl auch der südafrikanische Rand (ZAR) weithin akzeptiert wird.

Q: Welche Sprache wird in Swakopmund gesprochen?

A: Die offizielle Sprache Namibias ist Englisch, aber in Swakopmund werden auch andere Sprachen wie Afrikaans, Deutsch und verschiedene indigene Sprachen gesprochen.

Q: Wie kommt man nach Swakopmund?

A: Swakopmund has its airport with regular domestic flights from Windhoek, as well as international connections. It can also be reached by road, either by car or bus.

F: Wie kann man diese Aktivitäten buchen?

A: You can book this activity by emailing Safari World Tours at info@safariworldtours.com oder besuchen Sie diesen Link für die Tagestouren https://safariworldtours.com/tour/3-days-swakopmund-activity-tour-accommodated/

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Safari World Tours ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen zur Förderung von Reisen und Reisezielen. Hauptsächlich mit Fokus auf süd- und westafrikanische Länder. Unsere Safari-Touren sind gut organisiert und für jeden Reisenden geeignet.

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