Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben

Sehenswürdigkeiten Namibias

Namibia has some beautiful, unique, and extraordinary scenery. Namibia’s Tourist Attractions abound and activities are limitless.

But it’s the whole journey that is the most extraordinary attraction of them all. Just driving through the country will be an experience quite unlike any you’ve had before Namibia Tourist Attractions.

Namibias Reiseziele provide that first peek into the wild kingdom to glimpse the natural beauty and unadulterated land which makes Africa a safari paradise. Mostly Namibia is easily accessible and communicable for people worldwide.

What else makes Namibia Africa’s ideal safari destination? Let’s sneak a peek then.

Empfohlen werden Namibia-Safari Anfängerwahl und Hinzufügen Sehenswürdigkeiten Namibias in the mix is a lethal combination that no safari dreamer or safari lover can resist. Being the driest country in Africa with 2 of the desert, the place is the perfect safari destination all year round.

Not to mention the spectacular landscapes and variety of birds and animals in the open make many spectacularly picturesque moments. Planning a trip to Namibia is easy and the food and drinks are more hygienic than other African countries.

The safe and dry environment is one more factor for being African safari starters. Let’s list these incredible attractions of Namibia that factor more than being easily accessible, communicable, hygienic, and low cost.

Namibia is the best safari destination in Africa. The top 7 Sehenswürdigkeiten Namibias that have been rocking the African safari world are:

Top 7 Namibia Tourist Attractions


The Sossusvlei dunes of the Namib Desert are the world’s largest dunes where sun peek around the dunes giving phenomenal sunrises and sunsets to view. Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben , Safari-Weltreisen

Kalahari Wüste

The semi-desert is the best place for wildlife. The game drives are much more open and desert adaptable predators and prey provide snapshots moments. Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben , Safari-Weltreisen


The largest canyon in Africa is the most visited attraction that calls for hiking and trekking. Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben , Safari-Weltreisen


The beach is an oasis and a stargazer marvel. The home of desert animals and the Himba tribe is also home to marine life. Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben , Safari-Weltreisen


Lions, leopards, wildebeest, oryx, elephants, eagles, flamingos, cranes, ostriches, and so on make Etosha National Park a treasure house of wildlife and birds. Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben , Safari-Weltreisen


Apart from its natural beauty and mining history the marine wild museum and adventure sport hub make it popular. Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben , Safari-Weltreisen


Countless reasons, but mostly the desert-adapted elephants, lions, and rhinos apart from its desert views and rock paintings and carvings. Top 7 Namibias Touristenattraktionen, die ein echtes Markenzeichen der afrikanischen Safari geben , Safari-Weltreisen These are not the end all of Namibia’s wonder that makes it popular. Being the cheetah capital, Namibia is been sought for its natural wonders. Safari World Tours makes it a priority to design tours and safaris to include these top natural wonders of Namibia but also adds as many as can be based on tourist preferences.

With an expert team at your disposal, the only thing to do is experience the beauty of the wild to start your safari adventures with a bang. Plan your trip to Namibia now. However, for further details on Namibia Tourist Attractions and packages call or email us at Namibia Tourist Attractions.

Über Safari World Tours

Safari World Tours ist ein dynamisches Unternehmen zur Förderung von Reisen und Reisezielen. Hauptsächlich mit Fokus auf süd- und westafrikanische Länder. Unsere Safari-Touren sind gut organisiert und für jeden Reisenden geeignet.

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