

Damaliscus korrigum

The Warthog is found along the eastern part of Africa and can be found in arid or in humid savannahs. The warthog is related to the domestic pig, but its forehead is covered in unsightly, protective bumps which earned it the name warthog. In addition to the spots or warts, the warthog also has four tusks. Warthogs are herbivores and diurnal animals that spend much of their day foraging for food. Their keen sense of smell allows them to uncover root plants or bulbs, which are particularly tasty to them. When a warthog feels threatened, it can run quite quickly. Its tail will stick straight in the air, almost like an arrow, when it senses danger. This arrow is visible to its young piglets, who can then follow their parent to safety. In Tanzania, the locals jokingly refer to the warthog as lion bacon, and warthogs do comprise a portion of lions’ diets. The gestation period for females is three months, with four young being the average number. However, anywhere between one to eight piglets is normal.  



Found in these top parks and game reserves

    • Amboseli National Park
    • Chobe National Park
    • Etosha National Park
    • Greater Kruger National Park
    • Hluhluwe Umfolozi Game Reserve
    • Hwange National Park
    • Kruger National Park
    • Kwando, Linyanti & Selinda Reserves
    • Lake Nakuru National Park
    • Liwondé National Park

Found in these countries:

  •  Botswana
  •  DR Congo
  •  Kenia
  •  Malawi
  •  Mozambique
  •  Namibia
  •  Rwanda
  •  Sud Africa
  •  Tanzania
  •  Uganda
  •  Zambia
  •  Zimbabwe
  •  Chad

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